Approved Self Assessment

Approved Self Assessment for your organisation

The SCL Approved Self Assessment (SCL ASA) is a mandatory self-assessment. You will also need to prepare a GAP analysis and action plan (either yourself or via a third party).

No step indication is given for an SCL ASA. The auditor will check whether the self-assessment, GAP analysis and action plan have been implemented and prepared properly. 

The action plan will be checked in Years 2 and 3. This is a desk review, not a site visit. If you have not made the progress envisaged, another Year 1 assessment will take place in Year 2 or 3.

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Approved self-assessment
Review self-assessment
Check on action plan
Check on action plan
No step indication
Certificate by CI valid for 3 years without step indication
Conservation of statement
Conservation of statement
Questionnaire (SAQ) mandatory
Assessment gap analysis and action plan

Step-by-step plan Approved Self Assessment (ASA)

To obtain an SCL ASA document, follow these steps: