The Safety Culture Ladder has made Eneco safer

Many companies have covered the subject of safety just fine with all kinds of agreements and rules. But an important component is often forgotten. By observing employees' attitudes and behaviour and initiating a behavioural change if necessary, many unsafe situations can be prevented. The Safety Culture Ladder has also helped energy company Eneco in this respect, says director [...]
SCL has increased safety reputation of ProRail

Dieter van Delft of ProRail can pretty much be seen as the spiritual father of the Safety Culture Ladder. He is delighted to see that what was devised in 2011 for the rail industry is now having an impact and increasing safety awareness in more and more sectors. It has also borne fruit at ProRail. ProRail was [...]
The SCL and BAM Nederland: a successful combination

At BAM Netherlands, the Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) has found fertile ground. The various facets of the philosophy form one of two streams through which the company aims to ensure a safe working environment, explains Hans Wentink. Wentink is co-director QHSE at construction company BAM Netherlands. He is responsible for two of the four segments [...]