Rail sector

Safety Culture Ladder for the rail sector

Working safely on, on or in front of railways, without accidents. That is the safety goal for the rail sector. To ensure the safety of everyone working on the track, there are regulations and rules. But working safely does not stop with employees. Conscious safe working is also very important for contractors.

Award advantage in tenders with SCL

With a simple certification system, SCL shows how safety-conscious an organization is. This is of great value to a party participating in a tender. The greater the safety awareness, the greater your chances of winning a tender. 

Wondering which SCL product is needed for the rail sector? Check it out here!

SCL contributes to safe track work

The origins of the Safety Culture Ladder, formerly Safety Ladder, lie with ProRail. The rail operator wanted to increase safety. The Safety Culture Ladder was developed for this purpose. Because safety is much broader, and applicable in all industries, NEN adopted the SCL. The Safety Culture Ladder is applicable in all industries.

Want to know more about SCL in the rail sector? Check it out on the website of ProRail.