'Everyone a safe working environment, including in healthcare'

De veiligheidsladder (Safety Culture Ladder (SCL)) kent zijn oorsprong in de spoorbranche en het gedachtegoed is vanuit daar langzaam maar zeker doorgesijpeld naar andere sectoren. Maar het zijn toch vooral de ‘hardere’ branches, zoals de bouw en infra, waar men het nut van de SCL inziet. Onterecht, want ook in meer ‘zachte’ sectoren zoals de […]

'SCL brings safety into the DNA of projects'

Willemien Bosch is directeur van Koninklijke NLingenieurs, de Nederlandse branchevereniging van advies-, management- en ingenieursbureaus. Op de site van de vereniging staan in een keurige rij kolommen de overkoepelende, maatschappelijke thema’s van haar leden. Bouwkwaliteit en Veiligheid staat links bovenaan. Een belangrijk thema! Bosch ging naar aanleiding van haar bijdrage op het congres over de […]

'SCL 2.0 provides more guidance and is of value to more sectors'

A lot of things are changing, but not actually that much. In a nutshell, that is what is coming at companies working with the Safety Culture Ladder version from 2016 and wanting to move to the new 2.0 version. What about that exactly? Hanneke Jansen explained it at the Safety Culture Ladder congress on 4 June.

Look back: successful Safety Culture Ladder event

On Tuesday, 4 June, over 400 professionals gathered to learn more about the Safety Culture Ladder (SCL). It was a day full of valuable insights and practical tips. Visitors could attend sessions on: Psychological safety Web tool SCL Differences SCL 2016 vs SCL 2.0 Social safety Introduction to the SCL SCL for small businesses Presentation [...]

Ecco takes over management of SCL Germany from NEN

Management of the Safety Culture Ladder in Germany has been transferred to Ecco Ecology and Communication. This means that Ecco will now be responsible for organising and supervising consultations and the annual auditors' day. For the time being, office visits to the certifying institutions and attendance of auditors will continue to be organised from the Netherlands.

Web tool SCL now offers SAQ SCL 2.0 in Polish and Turkish as well

Good news for organisations using the Web tool SCL: the SAQ SCL 2.0 is now available in Polish and Turkish. In addition to the existing languages (Dutch, English, German and French), organisations that have staff who speak these languages can now use the SAQ in their mother tongue. Why is this important? The Safety Culture [...]

Optimising SCL for small organisations

NEN has launched a project to improve the applicability of the Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) for small organisations and make the SCL more accessible. The is aim is to make the implementation of the SCL easier for small organisations. This has looked at: Proportional means of proof from Step 3 onwards (the ASA is only accepted [...]

NEN organises SCL auditor day 2024

NEN is organising the annual auditor day for auditors qualified to audit against the SCL on Friday 8 November 2024. The day will take place at NEN in Delft. The focus will be on the new version of the Safety Culture Ladder: SCL 2.0. Auditors who this year will gain experience auditing against the revised [...]

Working with the SCL: how do you go about it?

Employers are obliged to ensure safe working conditions. The Safety Culture Ladder can contribute to this. But how do you approach its implementation? How do you promote (safety) awareness, commitment and the right attitude and behaviour? Ron van Vuuren of Eneco explains. The Safety Culture Ladder is a safety culture. The scheme focuses [...]

Extra date scheduled for Auditor Training Safety Culture Ladder 2.0

There is a lot of interest and demand for the auditor training course Safety Culture Ladder 2.0. The training course scheduled for 19 and 26 June is fully booked. To avoid making auditors wait for the next training course in October, an extra date has been scheduled. This additional two-day training will take place in Delft on 27 June and 4 July.