The Committee of Experts (CoE) is responsible for developing and managing the Safety Culture Ladder. The CoE’s primary task is to keep the certification scheme up-to-date and serve as a contact point for certification bodies. It answers interpretation-related questions about the standard and other relevant issues and is made up of representatives of various interested parties, including clients, contractors, academics, contracting authorities, certification bodies and social organisations. The CoE is led by an independent chair at management level. NEN offers the CoE support and advice in respect of the management and development of the Safety Culture Ladder.
Mrs A.D. Vijselaar | Independent chairman
Mr O.C. van Aagten | member | Network Companies Energy Sector
Mr D. van Delft | member | Rail sector
Mr J. di Giovanni | member | Techniek Nederland
Mr A.N. de Graaff | member | NLingenieurs
Mr F.W. Guldenmund | member | TU Delft
Mrs E. Koolman | member | Certifying Bodies
Mrs D.J. Snoeijer | member | GCvB/ViA
Mr H. Wentink | member | Bouwend Nederland
Mrs H. de Vries | member | Certifying Bodies
Mr R. van Vuuren | member | Production and supply companies Energy sector
Mrs K. van der Haar | member | NEN
Mr R. van der Aa | secretary | NEN
Can we help you with your certification?
Visiting address:
Vlinderweg 6
2623 AX Delft
The Netherlands
Postal address:
Postbus 5059
2600 GB Delft
The Netherlands
+31(0)15 2 690 391