It is important for every employee in every sector to be safety aware and for safety to be reflected in culture, attitudes and behaviour. The higher up the ladder, the more seriously safety is taken. An SCL certificate or statement statement makes it easier for your customers to trust you. It also ensures that business processes are efficient and enhances your organisation's reputation.
The Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) was originally developed by ProRail, a rail operator that wanted to improve safety awareness among railway employees. Today, many others sectors are interested in the SCL as well because safety awareness is important in every organisation. This is why NEN now owns and manages the Safety Culture Ladder, which it wants to apply to a bigger target group.
A transition is currently under way from SCL 2016 to SCL 2.0.
The new version of the SCL is easier to understand and the reporting method has been improved.
If you like to know more about SCL 2.0, click here.
If you obtained an SCL certificate or statement in 2023 or before, don’t worry. It will continue to be valid for the time being. The transition from SCL 2016 to SCL 2.0 will take place gradually, in a transition period.
In 2024, you will be able to have your organisation certified or recertified against both SCL 2016 and SCL 2.0. As of 1 January 2025, certification and recertification will only be possible against SCL 2.0. As of 1 January 2028, only certificates issued against SCL 2.0 (or later editions) will be valid.
Would you like to know more about the difference between SCL 2016 and SCL 2.0?
Can we help you with your certification?
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