An honest conversation is the basis for an audit

Like many other certification schemes, the Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) also plays a big role in the audit process. How do you proceed if you want to be audited? Where do you find information and how do you prepare? The SCL is a tool that can help improve the safety culture within an organisation [...].

Why safety awareness is so important

Why a safe working environment is important

Nobody wants people to get sick or have accidents, especially if they have serious consequences. It is essential to actively involve employees in the pursuit of a safety culture. By promoting social safety and letting employees know they are heard, you can achieve this. In this video, Anja explains [...]

Event Safety Culture Ladder 'Working safely and healthily together'

Op 4 juni 2024 vindt het Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) Congres plaats in de Rijtuigenloods in Amersfoort. Dit event biedt u inzicht in de waarde en de toepassingen van SCL. En biedt u de mogelijkheid om te netwerken en ervaringen uit te wisselen met andere gebruikers. Tijdens de paneldiscussie worden stellingen zoals “Wat levert SCL […]

The Safety Culture Ladder: what exactly is it?

Safety in the workplace is crucial. But how do you create a culture where everyone is aware of the risks and feels responsible for their own and their colleagues' safety? The Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) will help you. The Safety Culture Ladder is not just for large companies. Small and medium-sized organisations [...]

Kaat van der Haar: 'The SCL has captured my heart'

The roll-out of the Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) is at an important stage. With the 2.0 version recently launched, Kaat van der Haar is taking over as programme manager from Jeannette Hofman-Zütter. Hectic times, but with the experienced Van der Haar at the helm, SCL is in good hands. Kaat van der Haar [...]

NEN starts project for small businesses on Safety Culture Ladder

De SCL is toepasbaar voor grote en kleine bedrijven in alle sectoren. We horen al een tijdje dat kleine bedrijven soms moeite hebben met de norm. Sommige bedrijven vinden dat de gevraagde inspanningen (tijd en geld) niet in verhouding staan tot de omvang van hun organisatie. Of het staat niet in verhouding tot de omzet […]

First SCL 2.0 certificate awarded to Vrieshold Werkendam B.V.

On 24 January, NCI Certification awarded the first SCL certificate version 2.0 to Vrieshold Werkendam B.V. This is a remarkable achievement, given that the Safety Culture Ladder 2.0 (SCL 2.0) did not come into force until 1 January 2024. The Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) is an assessment method that focuses on measuring and promoting [...]

Study on impact SCL: Rising leadership awareness and more appropriate approach

Een hogere betrokkenheid bij veiligheid vanuit de leiding en een meer passende set van maatregelen. Dat zijn de belangrijkste conclusies uit een onderzoek van de Commissie van Deskundigen van NEN naar de impact van de Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) op organisaties. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd door een samenwerking van de TU Delft en TenneT TSO. […]

Safety Culture Ladder further defined and easier to apply

The new version of the Safety Culture Ladder (SCL), released on 1 September, has been improved in several respects. The tool, which aims to promote safety culture within companies, better describes in the new version what the different steps entail. It also focuses more on the result rather than how that result should be [...]

Safety concerns us all

Lieke van Hoven - Safety Behaviour Specialist at Heijmans Safety belongs to all of us. But how do you make sure we are all on the same page? At Heijmans, the focus is on two aspects: on the one hand, we focus on knowledge and risk recognition, and on the other hand, we pay a lot of attention to attitude and [...]