The answers to a number of frequently asked questions follow below. Please contact us if you have any other questions.
After being in use in the market for a number of years, it became clear that the SCL needed to be updated for the following reasons:
SCL 2.0 describes the steps more clearly. Duplicate information has been removed as well and the assessment method has been presented in a way that is easier to understand. If you are wondering what else has changed, see this page.
The standard is the framework for certification against the SCL 2.0. The Certification Scheme contains the arrangements made about assessment against the SCL 2.0. The standard and the Certification Scheme are published on this page.
A number of steps need to be completed to obtain certification against the SCL. These steps are explained in the general step-by-step plan. A detailed step-by-step plan is also available per SCL product (certificate type).
Only certification bodies (CBs) that have entered into a licensing agreement with NEN are permitted to do these assessments. This guarantees that CBs meet the quality requirements of the scheme manager (NEN). Click here to see the full list of certification bodies.
You can use the tool to do an independent baseline measurement or to start the certification process. The ready-made questionnaire can be completed by employees at every level in your organisation. The results show which themes could still be improved on and what is already going well. See the webtool for more information.
Yes, NEN organises various training courses for auditors, including internal auditors. Because the SCL requires a completely different approach and assessment method than standard system audits do, this training course teaches (internal) auditors to assess safety culture in organisations against the SCL 2.0 standard. See 'training courses‘ on the website for the dates.
Yes, training courses are organised for organisations that want to obtain certification against the SCL. See ‘training courses‘ for the dates.
The NEN-ISO 45001 and VCA, VCU and VCO apply to every type of organisation. These standards focus on managing and continuously improving quality and safety in organisations via QHSE (quality, health, safety and environment) management systems. It has become increasingly clear in recent years that the right resources and systems and the human factor are essential, especially for the safe performance of work in practice. This has resulted in more attention for the ‘soft’ side of the QHSE management system, such as implicit health and safety at work.
The (new) SCL standard is not used to assess H&S management systems but to objectively measure attitudes and behaviour about health and safety (H&S) in an organisation. The SCL aims to contribute to health and safety awareness in organisations, thus promoting the healthy and safe performance of work and encouraging improvements in this area. So, the SCL complements the way in which an organisation has set up its processes, whether or not through ‘system standards’ like NEN-ISO 45001 and the VCA/VCU/VCO and current laws and regulations, such as the Working Conditions Act (Arbowet) and sector guidelines.
SCL news is regularly posted on the website under ‘News‘. You could also sign up for the regular SCL newsletter, which contains news about the SCL and related subjects.
If you cannot find the answers to your questions in the FAQs, submit your question via the contact form. here.
If you have questions about how the SCL Webtool works, contact the NEN customer service team via or via +31 (0)15 2 690 391 between 08.30 and 17.00 hours on Monday to Friday inclusive..
To start the certification process, contact one of the certification bodies.
Can we help you with your certification?
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Vlinderweg 6
2623 AX Delft
The Netherlands
Postal address:
Postbus 5059
2600 GB Delft
The Netherlands
+31(0)15 2 690 391