Actively improving safety culture in organisations - that’s what our knowledge partners do on a daily basis. By doing this, they actively contribute to the development of the Safety Culture Ladder and bring it to the attention of organisations.
Our knowledge partners guide and advise and have a second-to-none understanding of the Safety Culture Ladder. Organisations that use the SCL in their working environments are given the opportunity to become knowledge partners as well.
Contact us if you would like to become an SCL knowledge partner.
Besides sharing knowledge with each other, knowledge partners are also a source of inspiration for the Committee of Experts (CoE). Knowledge partners help the CoE manage and continue to develop the SCL.
The SCL knowledge partners have committed themselves to our Code of conduct. Are you wondering which organisations are currently SCL knowledge partners? See all the affiliated organisations below.
Our current knowledge partners
Can we help you with your certification?
Visiting address:
Vlinderweg 6
2623 AX Delft
The Netherlands
Postal address:
Postbus 5059
2600 GB Delft
The Netherlands
+31(0)15 2 690 391